9,000 Bourbon Barrels Fall to Ground During Collapse at Sazerac Distillery Warehouse
Pour some out, because 9,000 barrels of whiskey were damaged during a distillery's building collapse in Kentucky, according to WLKY.
Barton 1792 Whiskey, which produces 1792 Bourbon, experienced a huge loss on June 22 when half of its storage warehouse experienced a sudden collapse. Nobody was hurt during the accident, but the building, which dates back to the 1940s and could hold 20,000 barrels, is now in unusable condition, and the debris from the collapse affected a large number of barrels. Just one barrel of bourbon holds 53 gallons and weighs a whopping 550 pounds, so it's not hard to see how these situations might happen.
About 9,000 barrels of aging bourbon crashed to the ground in a building collapse at @Barton1792 in Bardstown https://t.co/JnzNg4BoAe #bourbon #Kentucky pic.twitter.com/u09cAInG7G
— WLKY (@WLKY) June 22, 2018
Though not all of the barrels leaked, there was alcohol spillage for just under 4 hours, which affected nearby rivers and killed around 800 fish. Sazerac, the owner of the brand, has said they're assessing if any of the barrels damaged in the collapse were still usuable, but in the meantime, enjoy your whiskey while you can.
Photo via Flickr user A Train