Bud Light Goes Medieval Over Minneapolis Brewery's 'Dilly Dilly' Beer
A town crier dressed in Medieval garb showed up at Modist Brewery in Minneapolis to deliver a very unconventional cease and desist order. The order, which was read aloud for all to see at the brewery, was issued over Modist’s release of their Dilly Dilly Mosaic Double IPA.
In case you haven’t heard any of your bro’s shouting the phrase “dilly dilly” at the bar recently, the phrase became popular due to a series of Bud Light ads. You can watch one of them here, but literally it’s just a bunch of Medieval folks saying “dilly dilly” and drinking Bud Light. Marketing, am I right?
In a video of the encounter posted on Facebook the town crier proclaims: “We are duly flattered by your royal tribute. However, ‘Dilly Dilly’ is the motto of our realm. So we humbly ask that you keep this to a limited addition one-time-only run. This is by order of the king. Disobedience shall be met with additional scrolls, then a formal warning, and finally, a private tour of the pit of misery.”
The crier went on to offer “thrones” at the Super Bowl to the brewery’s two best employees and also an few Bud Lights on the house. The Super Bowl happens to take place in Minneapolis this year.
Overall, great marketing on Bud Light’s part since this video actually makes them seem like they have a sense of humor rather than being a giant, evil beer monopoly that wants to end craft brewing once and for all. As for Modist, they had always planned on keeping the beer to a limited release, they were not “in” on the joke although it gained them a lot of attention (I guess that’s also cool on Bud’s part), and they will definitely be accepting those free Super Bowl tickets.
Photo via Flickr user Brad_T