Hendrick's Gin is holding a series of fetes called "Voyages Into the Unusual" to celebrate its handc...
If you thought last decade's trend of higher-and-higher-ABV American craft IPAs was a bit excessive,...
The whiskey is inspired by old-fashioned, hand-blocked fedora hats: quality, tradition and taking ti...
The first woman master whisky blender, is as interesting to meet as she is to drink with....
Narragansett Fest Lager is a beer that almost never was, but it exemplifies the Oktoberfest style....
It's a mammoth undertaking, but the Brewers Association pulled it off with style....
Daniel Craig's character drank more martinis per film than any other actor playing the part....
No matter your surroundings, a few simple steps can help you get a better appreciation for the glass...
A brave man deserves a brave drink! Raise a special cocktail to the record-breaking daredevil....
Try it with pork or bacon - or perhaps a donut - for the ultimate in fun beer and food pairing....
In honor of this year's festival later this week, BeerInfo.com posted the medal winners from 1987's ...
Dealing with the public can definitely be difficult at times, but sometimes the guest deserves a bre...
Let us know if you're going, we'd love to meet up and raise a glass together....
We don't judge a book by its cover, but a drink by its label? We're only human, after all. ...
The eight barrel batch was made with 25 pounds of hand-sliced and roasted bull testicles....
This unique fall seasonal is sublimely malt-sweetened ale that's perfect for drinking with the fruit...
There are three common styles of cups: the wooden square box, the ceramic cup and the glass vessel....
Different brands of brew are favored by those on different sides of the aisle....
While people often associate vodka with Russia or Eastern Europe, this wildly popular spirit has pla...
Tests were carried out at the Nevada Test Site in 1955, exposing bottled and canned brew to nuclear ...
There's little etiquette involved in drinking Irish whiskey, which means there's no room for snobber...