Bars in DC Open on Thanksgiving

Make your escape
Bars in DC Open on Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a time to gather with a large group of people somehow related to you to eat a huge meal. Whether you’re one of the lucky folk with aspiring home chefs in the family, one of the less fortunate who has to make it through another one of Aunt Joan’s dry drumsticks and not-quite-tasty stuffing, or – especially – if you’re preparing the feast yourself, the day can be exhausting. Luckily, there are several drinking establishments around the city that will be open at least part of the evening, so you can escape the clutches of commitment and get ready to cure that turkey hangover with a real one. Check our list below, and have a great holiday. Perhaps we’ll raise a glass with you later on!

(Tip: click on the bar name for more details about location, specials, website and more.)

Ardeo + Bardeo: Open 11 AM–8 PM; a la carte menu available at the bar

Asylum: Open at 8 PM; drinks only

Bar Pilar: Open at 9 PM; drinks only

Barcode: Open at 10 PM; International Thursdays dance party

Bibiana: Open 11 AM–8 PM; a la carte menu available at the bar

Black Squirrel: Open at 7 PM; $5 all you can eat Thanksgiving buffet

Bombay Club: Opens at 5:30 PM; full menu plus Tandoori Turkey special

Breadsoda: Open at 7 PM; limited menu with some free eats available

Black Cat’s Red Room Bar: Open 8 PM–2 AM; regular service

Crystal City Sports Pub: Open 8 AM–2 AM; regular service

Duffy’s Irish Pub: Open 11:30 AM–4 PM; $15 Buckets of Coors Light, Miller High Life, PBR, Schlitz; no food except for free brats during the first half of the NFL game

Meridian Pint: Open at 8 PM; drinks only

Molly Malone's: 

The Pug: Open at 9 PM; smoked turkey with all the trimmings

Smith Commons: Opens at 5 PM; limited menu

Photo by Danya Henninger


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